Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Swedish Beers (Not Tears) on Tuesday 21st November

Well, it's the 1st November which means that it's the first day of NaBloPoMo and my commitment to post something here every day in November.

Usually, I'd have plenty of time to think about that, but today I've been running around all day struggling to get much time at my laptop at all. And despite my penchant for all things mobile, as a touch typist, it's much easier to write at a proper keyboard than trying to punch something in on a phone on the bus or tube.

That said, I do have something to announce today. That's the next Swedish Beers bash in London on Tuesday 21st November. This next edition is the Swedish Beers (not Tears) in memory of Carlo Longino, one of our mobile industry stalwarts who died last month at the age of 39 after a 2 year battle with lymphoma. I first met Carlo via this blog, funnily enough. He was writing for The Feature for Nokia and also with Russell Buckley at Mobhappy. We were among the first ever bloggers about mobile technology and we regularly commented on each others posts and participated in the Carnival of the Mobilists. We also exchanged emails and then met in person for the first time at the first Swedish Beers party in Barcelona in 2006 and remained firm friends thereafter.

I know that Carlo was very keen to encourage people to donate both blood and blood platelets. Apparently hospitals are often running very low on blood platelets and not that many people know about donating them. I certainly knew nothing about that until Carlo and his wife, Alex, started talking about it. So whether you knew Carlo or not, please do go and find your nearest place to donate blood or blood platelets and do it! You never know when you or a friend, colleague or family member will need it.

It would also be lovely if you're based in London and knew or knew of Carlo to join us in raising a glass in his memory on Tuesday 21st November. And if you didn't know him but work in the mobile industry, please come along and join us too. We'll be chewing the mobile fat and doing some fundraising for Bloodwise on the night too. I've set up a Justgiving page to that end so feel free to add your donation there.

RSVP is required for Swedish Beers so please do that over on eventbrite.

Powered by Eventbrite

Until tomorrow...

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